SERIA SPLOTY NA PŁÓTNIE SPLOTY - seria akrylowych, abstrakcyjnych obrazów na płótnie. [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#191938' thickness='' up='' down=''] Seria Sploty powstawała w latach 2020 - 2023 i jest kontynuacją zainteresowań dynamicznymi kreacjami natury, badaniem procesów i rytmów natury w zbliżeniu, interpretacją fragmentów świata realnego osobistym, wizualnym...

Exhibition ,,Abstract inspired by Nature'' [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#2b7575' thickness='' up='' down=''] ,,Exhibition presented art of two artists who are inspired by omnipresent in our lifes elements of the nature and it’s eternal processes of birth, life and passing, and our place in it. Artists intuitively examine...

POSTCARDS from LISBON [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#2b7575 ' thickness='' up='' down=''] Series  of graphics ,,Postcards from Lisbon'' [highlight color='#191938 ' background_color='#cbdddb']inspired by a plein-air and trip to Lisbon[/highlight], Portugal in 2016. Colorful and quickly sketched little acrylic paintings of the moments, shapes, views and characteristic places or...

HAIKU COLLAGES [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#2b7575' thickness='' up='' down=''] HAIKU – collection of original, small, abstract paper collages created during Summer 2019. [highlight color='#191938 ' background_color='#cbdddb']Intuitive, quick, visual notes[/highlight] that reflect the impression of a moment, thought. Captured in the form of a pictorial-graphic record which...

HAIKU COLLAGES [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#f853ab' thickness='' up='' down=''] HAIKU – collection of original, small, abstract paper collages created during Summer 2019. [highlight color='#191938 ' background_color='#cbdddb']Intuitive, quick, visual notes[/highlight] that reflect the impression of a moment, thought. Captured in the form of a pictorial-graphic record which...

HAIKU COLLAGES [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#4066a0' thickness='' up='' down=''] HAIKU – collection of original, small, abstract paper collages created during Summer 2019. [highlight color='#191938 ' background_color='#cbdddb']Intuitive, quick, visual notes[/highlight] that reflect the impression of a moment, thought. Captured in the form of a pictorial-graphic record which...

ORGANIQUE SERIES ON PAPER[vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#191938' thickness='' up='' down=''] ORGANIQUE - abstract paintings on paper are a complementary cycle to the series on canvas. The creation begun in 2017 but as far as series on canvas were completed and presented at the exhibition in 2018,...

ORGANIQUE SERIES ON CANVAS ORGANIQUE - series of acrylic, abstract paintings on canvas, inspired by the dynamics of nature - referring to its hidden structures and internal fragments.  [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#191938' thickness='' up='' down=''] Series titled Organique, created in 2017 are a continuation of my interest...

HAIKU KOLAŻE [vc_separator type='full_width' position='center' color='#f853ab' thickness='' up='' down=''] HAIKU – seria niedużych, abstrakcyjnych kolaży powstała latem 2019 roku. [highlight color='#191938 ' background_color='#cbdddb']Intuicyjne, szybkie, wizualne zapiski[/highlight]oddające impresję chwili, myśl, refleksję, uchwycone w formie malarsko-graficznego zapisu, przywodzą na myśl wizualne haiku (haiku: krótki utwór poetycki). Mocno nasycona...